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6 OCTOBER 2021

Congratulations to the Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Sector of the Selangor State Health Department (JKN Selangor) for organizing the Webinar on Suicide Postvention tomorrow, 6th October 2021 [Closed session].


Thank you for inviting @awas.malaysia. We truly appreciate every postvention initiative that involves and engages with the people who are left behind by suicide (or also known as suicide loss survivors) themselves.

More often than not, the suicide loss survivors are the ones who are suffering in silence, and are neglected or ignored due to stigma. As one of the famous quotes relating to suicide goes.. "The person who dies by suicide, dies once. Those they left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and ask why?"

















AWAS: Welcome


Let's normalize conversations surrounding mental health and suicide prevention awareness!


Come join us live soooooon!







@handinhand0721 @download.ins


"There are still many people who are unaware of mental health, and some who do not take their mental health seriously!

You are all welcome to attend the mental health discussion on October 2nd. This discussion will cover a wide range of mental health topics.


Our ""Hand In Hand"" online event will be conducted on 2th and 3th October 2021 Make sure to follow us on all our social media platform

Don't forget to turn on the notification and stay updated on all the news and interesting activities that we will have !!!

#kuptmkl #handinhand0720 #mentalhealth #staypositive #kuptm #kptm

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AWAS: Who We Are
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